Friday, August 19, 2011

and another one

Welcome to another edition of Davee writes about JJ.

Sometimes its easier to write about other people then your self. I would say I just met her, but its been a while already, to put the exact date on it, it was on May 28th. The only reason i remember that is because it was the day ManU lost to Barcelona in the Champions League Final :) We started to get along really quick. Kind to think of it, I can't seem to remember a day i didn't see, talk, or text her since then. So I'm pretty sure i can come up things to say about her. 

As I mentioned some of her favorite in the last post, I forgot to tell you her obsession on Jack. Yep, Mr. Tim Burton's masterpiece, Jack Skeleton. The main character of the Night Before Christmas has more "pegue" then me. What can i say, she's in love with him, kinda gets me jealous of the guy.

Enough about Jack, let have more JJ. Though my eyes she a very pretty girl, nice, always with a smile, and always fun to have her around. She say that she is shy, but the times I've taken her out with my friends and family she has proven to get along with almost anyone. Something else that i like about her. all the stupid things I say, all the thing I write, she has a similar sense of humor... oh and she cracks up when they say PeanutButter.

i should keep it a little short. Still have tons to say about this her, but my spelling sucks and grammar stinks.  Catch you guys next time.



  1. The first thing I want to say is Onion rings!
    I'll come back to say something else later lol
